Zoning And Development As Per HMDA Norms

Zoning and Development As Per HMDA Norms

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

Promotion Regulations

I. Land Use Zoning Regulations
The land use zoning regulations contain the following classification of land

1) Residential Use Zone
2) Commercial Use Zone, including

  • Commercial along notified commercial roads
  • Strip commercial along roads as earmarked in the master plan.
  • Areas earmarked as Commercial use in the Master Plan

3) Multiple Use Zone, including
Areas covered in Transit-Oriented-Development (TOD) zone.

4). Public and Semi – Public Use Zone, including
Sites specifically earmarked as InFANS

5). Work Center Use Zone

6) Open Space Use Zone

  • Parks
  • Playgrounds, Exhibition Grounds
  • Green Buffer Zone

7) Water Bodies Use Zone

  • River
  • Streams, Nalahs, Storm Water Drains
  • Lakes, Kuntas

8) Transportation Use zone

  • Roads
  • Railways
  • Airports
  • Bus Depots, Terminals, Workshops
  • Truck Terminals, Warehouses
  • Parking Areas/Parking Lots/Parking Complex

9) Special Reservation Use zone

  • Sites specifically earmarked as heritage conservation-buildings and
  • Precincts/Areas
  • Rocks & Hillocks
  • Natural heritage
  • Defence/Military Lands
  • Burial Grounds, Cremation Grounds ETC
  • Speical Area Development Plan (SADP) Areas

    1) Residential Use Zone

           I :  Uses Permitted

  • All Types Of Residential Buildings
  • Auditoriums On Plots Above 1000 Square Meters And Abutting Road Of Minimum 18 Meters Width
  • Bakeries and confectioneries
  • Banks
  • Bus Stands
  • Community Centers
  • Convenient Shops (Total Area Not Exceeding 20 Square Meters)
  • Customary Home Occupation/Household Units
  • Dharamshala’s/Guest houses
  • Municipal, state and central government offices

 II : Uses Prohibited

  • Hazardous industries
  • Restaurants/eating places
  • Warehousing
  • Zoological garden
  • Water treatment plant
  • Heavy, Large and
    Extensive industries
  • Dairying Activity
  • Workshops for buses,
    trucks etc
  • Solid Waste Dumping Yards
  • Wholesale Mandis


  2) Commercial Use Zone

Commercial Use along and abutting the notified commercial roads
notified vide G.O. Ms.No.766, MA Dt;18.10.2007 and other related
government orders issued from time to time, with activities allowed on
payment of conversion charges and commercial impact fees as stipulated in the foregoing G.Os

        I : Uses Permitted

  • All uses/activities permitted in residential use zone
  • All health facilities
  • Cinema halls and Multiplexes
  • Gas installation and gas works
  • Hotels
  • Offices
  • Petrol filling stations
  • Clubs
  • Colleges
  • Museum

 II : Uses Prohibited

  • All other uses not
    mentioned in Col I
  • Poultry farms/ dairy
  • Reformatory
  • Slaughter-houses
  • Sewage treatment/
    disposal sites
  • Storage of perishable
    and inflammable
  • Hazardous and
    extractive industrial

 3) Multiple Use Zone 

   I : Uses Permitted

  • All activities permitted in
    Residential/commercial/Public &
    Semi-Public use zones
  • Cold storage and ice factory
  • Helipads
  • Wholesale business
  • All activities except hazardous &
    polluting industries
  • Bus depot and Workshop
  • Cemeteries
  • Warehousing
  • Loading and unloading spaces

   II : Uses Prohibited

  • All other industries and uses not
    mentioned in Col I
  • All kinds of hazardous

 4)  Public and Semi – Public Use Zone

     I : Uses Permitted

  • Auditoriums
  • Bank
  • Guest House
  • Jails
  • Community Halls
  • Cultural and religious buildings
  • Monuments
  • Fire stations/fire posts
  • Bus/truck terminals
  • Exhibition centers

II : Uses Prohibited

  • All other uses not mentioned in
    col I
  • Dairy and poultry farms
  • Farm houses
  • Heavy, extensive and other
    obnoxious and hazardous
  • Junk yards
  • Processing and sale of farm
    products and uses not
    specifically permitted herein
  • Slaughter houses
  • Wholesale markets
  • Workshops for servicing and

  5) Work Center Use Zone

   I : Uses Permitted

  • Guest houses
  • L.P. Gas Godowns
  • Service stations
  • Public facilities & utilities
  • Water supply installations
  • Restaurants/Cafeteria/Hotels
  • Electronics industries
  • Police station
  • Retail shopping centers/ shopping
  • Post Offices

 II : Uses Prohibited

  • All other uses not
    mentioned in Col I
  • All heavy, hazardous
    and polluting

    6) Open Space Use Zone, Including

  • Areas Specifically earmarked as parks
  • Areas specifically earmarked as playgrounds, exhibition grounds
  • Areas specifically earmarked as natural conservation (green buffer
    along water bodies)

    I : Uses Permitted

  • Bird sanctuary
  • Camping grounds
  • Local parks
  • Specialised theme parks
  • Outdoor sports stadiums
  • Children traffic parks
  • Swimming Pools
  • Public utilities and buildings with total built up area
    not exceeding 5% of total site
  • Circus/fairs of transit nature
  • Open air cinemas/auditoria

   II : Uses Prohibited

  • Any building or
    structure which is not
    required for open air
  • Dwelling units except
    for watch and ward
  •  All permanent
    structures except
    structures ancillary to
    main use as stated in
    Col I
  •  All uses not mentioned
    in Col I

   7)  Water Bodies Use Zone

A. In water body zone no construction is permitted

B. No building /development activity shall be allowed in the bed of water
bodies like river, or nala, and in the full Tank Level (FTL) of lake, pond,
cheruvu or kunta / shikam lands.

C. The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as
recreational/green buffer zone , and no building activity other than
recreational use shall be carried out within:

  • 30 meters from the boundary of Lakes of area 10 Ha and above
  • 9 meters from the boundary of lakes of area less than 10 Ha /
    kuntas /shikam lands
  • 9 meters from the boundaries of Canal, Vagu, etc.
  • 2 meters from the defined boundary of Nala, wherever not
    mentioned in the Master Plan.

D. The above shall be in addition to the mandatory setbacks. Unless and
otherwise stated, the area and the Full Tank Level (FTL) of a lake /kunta
shall be reckoned as measured or given in the Revenue /Irrigation Dep

  8) Transportation And Communication Use Zone 

  • Roads
  • Railways
  • Airports
  • Bus Depots
  • Truck Terminals
  • Parking Areas/Parking Lots/Complexes (Including Multilevel Parking)

  I : Uses Permitted

  • Airports-buildings and infrastructure
  • Hotels
  • Goods Terminals
  • Motor Garage
  • Radio And Telivision Station
  • Booking Offices
  • Repair shop and facilities such as night shelter
  • Observatory and weather office
  • Any other use/activity incidental to transport
    and communication
  • Accessory and support shopping activity

  II : Uses Prohibited

  • All other uses not
    mentioned in col I

 9) Special Reservation Use Zone

 A) Sites Specifically earmarked as Heritage Sites

I) In notified heritage buildings and heritage precincts, it is necessary
to obtain specific clearance from HMDA, after consultations by heritage
conservation committee before undertaking certain kinds of
development and redevelopment as specified by the government or
issued as specific guidelines. Special exemption from land use controls
is allowed subject to approval from the government in the interest of
conservation of the heritage buildings and adaptive uses area allowed
with concurrence from the heritage committee subject to mandated Public safety requirements

II) The heritage regulations issued vide GO Ms No. 542, MA dated
14-12-1995 and other relevant orders/amendments issued by the Government from time to time shall be applicable.

 B) Conversion Of Rocks/Hillocks

  •   Conservation of rocks/rocky knobs/hillocks already identified and

  C) Military Lands/Defense establishments

Military lands are lands under occupation of the defense services or
otherwise earmarked for defense services. These cannot be put to other
uses. The areas covered by defense lands and certain adjoining areas
as may be specifically notified may be subjected to restrictions as specified

 D) Graveyards/Cremation Ground/Burial Ground as earmarked

E) Special Area Development Plans (SADP)

Specific areas have been identified as Special Area Development
Projects (SADP) at various locations spread across the city

  • For detailed planning & Urban Renewal to be prepared separately
  • to include specific urban design, heritage and environmental
    guidelines for infrastructure up-gradation and overall area improvement
  • Till the SADPs are prepared and finalized the land uses as
    proposed in the master plan shall be applicable

 F) Architectural and Façade control regulations may be prepared
separately and implemented by GHMC in the following heritage Zones identified:

  • Pathergatti and surrounding areas.
  • Charminar to Puranapul via Laad Bazaar
  • Charminar to Falaknuma
  • Begumbazaar and surrounding areas.
  • MG Road and surrounding areas.






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